Wednesday, October 31, 2012

A probable "maître de conférences" job opening at ENS

Pour information: le département d'informatique de l'ENS aura très probablement un poste de maître de conférences à pourvoir pour la rentrée 2013. A priori ce poste sera complètement ouvert à tous les domaines de recherche dans toute l'informatique. Les postes d'enseignant-chercheur à l'ENS sont particulièrement désirables, à cause du public des élèves et étudiants suivant les cours, de la situation géographique, du cadre, et des conditions de travail au DIENS. A priori ce poste requiert d'être capable d'enseigner en français, mais on s'attend habituellement à ce que le candidat ait fait un séjour post-doctoral à l'étranger. Si parmi les gens lisant cette annonce il y en a qui pourraient être intéressés et qui souhaiteraient dans ce cadre éventuellement rejoindre l'équipe TAlgo, il serait bon qu'ils me contactent. Merci!

For information: the computer science department at ENS will very likely have an assistant professor position available, with a starting date of Fall 2013. It appears that the position will have a completely open profile, and all research areas within computer science will be considered. ENS assistant professor positions are particularly desirable because of the students who are being taught, of the location, of the architectural setting, and of the work conditions at ENS. A priori the position requires an ability to teach in French, but it is expected that the applicant will normally have completed a post-doctoral stay abroad. If, among the readers of this post, there are some who might be interested and who would then consider joining the Talgo group, it would be good for them to contact me. Thank you!


  1. Claire, is it REALLY needed to be able to teach in French at ENS?

  2. I don't know for sure. Fluent French is expected, but one can always try to make the case for exceptions. Certainly, fluent French and an insider's familiarity with the French higher education system is good...

  3. May I use this opportunity to advertise for two postdoctoral positions in math and/or CS in Lyon. Knowledge of the French language is not required since there are no teaching duties for these two positions.

    More details at

  4. Hello prof, I am a computer science masters student in France. I have been following your blogs for some time. I wish to ask you some personal questions, could you please provide your contact? Thanks.

    1. Google me and you'll get sufficient information to contact me. If I get a message from someone called "tosin" in the next couple of days, I'll make sure not to erase it without reading it first.

    2. Thank you. I just sent you a message now.


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