Thursday, May 26, 2011

Fukushima information, if anyone cares

Two months ago I was struck by the Fukushima disaster and posted a couple of comments about it. Here is updated information in case anyone is interested in what is happening at Fukushima. I am not sure anyone cares anymore: I don't see much about it in the news! Too boring?

Here's a website with all sorts of raw data: here (there is a menu to pick the language, and English is an option). No data for reactor 4, I guess because TEPCO has not yet been able to send people or robots in to restart measurements.

A quick look on reactors 1,2 and 3 indicates, not that the situation is particularly improving, but that many indicators are stationary. There are still ongoing radioactive leaks. Reactor 1 has something going on: at the end of last week the level of radioactivity inside the drywell suddenly increased by a factor of 5, and has been at that higher level since then; but there is a note on the graph saying "instrument failure", so nothing to worry about...

In general, according to this (H/T to Olivier Devillers for telling me about Sylvestre Huet's blog), the situation is "stabilized" in the sense that the injection of water at the rate of a few cubic yards per hour is sufficient to prevent the core temperature from increasing again.

UPDATE 6/2/2011: blog by a Japanese about Fukushima; recommended news web site about Fukushima.

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